I’ve signed a contract to write a musical!

I’m very pleased to announce that I’ve signed a contract with @kevinmayhew_ltd Kevin Mayhew Ltd to write the script and lyrics for a Primary School Year 6 children’s musical! 

Writing lyrics for a musical is something I’ve wanted to do for ages, and I’m already having so much fun! I’ve chosen to base it on Mary Anning – the paleontologist and fossil hunter. It will feature a narcissistic Ichthyosaur, a scoundrel exposed, and a song about fossilised poo! Working title: Friends, Foes and Fossils.

If you’re a primary school teacher or have any other interest/expertise, let me know what you look for in a good KS2 musical. My kids said “funny jokes” and “a good baddie” – by which I think they meant a really bad baddie!!

My deadline is September, and the full musical should be available in time to put on next summer – ie. for current Year 5s!! Woohoo!